Tribunale di Milano 24.10.2024, est. Caroleo, ASGI, APN e altri (avv.ti Guariso, Neri, Marzolla) c. INPS (avv. Peco)
| | |Corte Giust., 4.10.2024, C-314/23 Suindacato Tripulantes c. Air Nostrum
| | |Gender discrimination - travel allowance - qualification as remuneration - payment in a different amount to pilots and cabin crew - different gender composition of the two groups - no comparable tasks of equal value - discrimination - no existence
Corte App. Torino 30.9.2024, pres. rel. Alzetta, INPS (avv. Parisi) c. XX (avv. Guariso, Neri, Lavanna)
| | |Welfare - Universal Single Allowance - Directive 2011/98/EU and Legislative Decree 230/21 - right to equal treatment for holders of permits to work of at least six months' duration - permit to wait for work pursuant to Article 22(11) of the Immigration Consolidation Act - right to the allowance - existence
Trib.Monza 10.9.2024, est. Bonomi, X ( avv.ti Guariso e Damonti) c. comune di Sesto San Giovanni (avv. Lo Campo ) e Istituto comprensivo (n.c.)
| | | |Discrimination on grounds of disability - educational assistance to disabled pupils - number of hours indicated in the IEP - binding nature - non-recognition of such hours - discrimination - existence - right to compensation for damage - existence.
Cass. civile, sez lavoro, n.24336/2024, pres. Tria, est. Tricomi X c. MIUR
| | |Cass., sez. IV, n. 22992, 21.8.2024, pres. Berrino, rel.Cerulo, INPS (avv.ti Patteri, Preden, Giannino) c. XXX (avv. Schuster)
| | | |Same-sex couples - spouse's and child's entitlement to indirect pension - child born through surrogacy - INPS denial - prospective discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation - referral to the united sections - necessity.
Corte giust., 29.07.2024, C-184/22 e 185/22, IK e CM c. KfH Kuratorium
| | | |Gender discrimination - part-time work - payment of a bonus only for hours worked in excess of full-time hours - less favourable treatment of part-time workers - existence - indirect discrimination against female workers - statistical evidence - significantly greater presence of female workers in the disadvantaged group - sufficiency - majority presence of female workers also in the favoured group - irrelevance
Corte giust. 29.07.2024, C-112/22 e C-223/22.
| | | |Discriminazione in ragione della nazionalità - cittadini di paesi terzi soggiornanti di lungo periodo - direttiva 2003/109/CE, art. 11, lett. D) - reddito cittadinanza- requisito della residenza decennale, di cui gli ultimi due anni continuativi - d.l. 4/19, art.2 - discriminazione indiretta - sussiste
Discrimination based on nationality - long-term resident third-country nationals - Directive 2003/109/EC, art. 11, letter D) - citizenship income - requirement of ten-year residence, with the last two years continuous - d.l. 4/19, art. 2 - indirect discrimination - exists
Corte cost., 24.7.2024, n. 143., Pres. Barbera, est. Petitti
| | | |Trib. Grosseto, 24.7.2024, est. Grosso, X (avv.ti Barletta e Mancini) c. Comune di MA (avv. Pettini)
| | | |Corte App. Torino 12.7.2024, n.273, pres. Fierro rel. Casarino X Y (avv.ti Pessi e Confessore)
| | |Discrimination on grounds of disability - determination of the attendance allowance - failure to take into account absences due to one's own disability or that of a family member - Article 33 of Law 104/1992 - direct discrimination - existence
Cons. Stato, sezione III, 27.6.2024, pres. D’angelo, est. Cerroni, XX (avv.ti Nesi e Montalti) c. Y (avv. Biagini)
| | |Disability discrimination - educational assistance to disabled children - art.12, c. 5, L. 104/92- personalized educational plan - compulsory nature - does not exist - discretion of the administration - limit of available resources - relevance - right to reasonable accommodation - limit of excessive burden - applicability.
Corte giust., 27.06.2024, C 284/23, TC c. Firma Haus Jacobus Alten.
| | | |Corte giust. C 314/23, conclusioni dell’avv. Generale Maciej Szpunar, 06.06.2024, Sindicato de Tripulantes Auxiliares de Vuelo de Lineas Aereas e Ministerio Fiscal c. Air Nostrum
| |Corte Cost., 04.06.2024, n.99, Pres. Barbera, Est. D’alberto
| | |Cass. sez. lav., 22.05.2024, n. 14316, pres. Manna, rel. Cinque, X (avv.ti Menicucci, Bruno) c. Y (De Luca Tamajo)
| | | |Discriminazione per disabilità – licenziamento della persona disabile per superamento del periodo di comporto - conoscenza da parte del datore di lavoro della condizione di disabilità – conoscibilità secondo l’ordinaria diligenza – sufficienza – obbligo per il datore di lavoro di acquisire informazioni sulla eventuale connessione tra assenze e disabilità – sussistenza – mancato adempimento dell’obbligo - conseguenze
Disability discrimination - dismissal of the disabled person for exceeding the comportion period - employer's knowledge of the disability condition - knowability according to ordinary diligence - sufficiency - employer's obligation to acquire information on the possible connection between absences and disability - existence - failure to fulfill the obligation – consequences
Cass. sez. lav., 22.05.2024, n. 14402, pres. Manna, rel. Cinque, X ( avv. Aiello) c. Y (avv. Giovati)
| | |Discriminatory dismissal due to disability - differentiated comportion period for only serious pathologies - insufficiency - knowability according to normal diligence of the state of disability - sufficiency - obligation of reasonable adjustments - subsists
Corte Giust.16.5.2024 C-27/23, FV c. Caisse pour l’avenir des enfants
| | |Social benefits - Art. 7(2) Regulation 492/2011 - prohibition of direct and indirect discrimination on the grounds of nationality - payment of minor child benefit conditional on residence in thepaying State - exclusion of foster care border worker- discrimination - exists
Trib. Rovigo, 10.05.2024, est. Ferrari, X c. Azienda Sanitaria Ulss n.5 Polesana e Regione del Veneto
| | |Art.34 c. 1, lett. b) TU Immigration- Compulsory and free registration to SSN non-EU citizen parent of Italian citizen - Residence permit for family reasons- Prevalence of art.34 TU Immigration over art. 19 TU Immigration
Trib.Civitavecchia , 18.4.2024, est. Abrusci, SF (avv. Crescini) c. INPS (avv.ti Riposati e Ruperto) con intervento di ASGI( avv.ti Guariso e Neri) e CGIL (avv. Andreoni)
| | | |Disability services- Art. 41, c.1, TU immigration - Permit requirement of at least one year - Constitutionally conforming interpretation - Cumulation of the total period of legal residence - needs